Yellowhead Tribal Council, Health - Treaty 6 enshrines the Medicine Clause that acknowledges a Treaty Right to health care for Yellowhead Tribal Council’s four-member Nations – Alexander First Nations, Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, O’Chiese First Nation and Sunchild First Nation. The Treaty Right includes oral health care because oral health reflects a person’s general health and well-being.
The organization's purpose is to: improve the quality of oral health services by implementing it into a primary care model and increase the accessibility of services thereby, reducing the gap in oral health services between Yellowhead Tribal Council members and other Albertans. The strength of this initiative will incorporate cultural concepts and approaches through an Indigenous and community-specific lens.
Implement and oversee the Yellowhead Tribal Council’s oral health strategy that follows a population health approach and adopts the four domain initiatives in Alberta Health Services’ Alberta Oral Health Action Plan 2016: Health Promotion; Preventative Services; Treatment Services; and Research & Surveillance.
The salary will be determined according to qualifications and experience.
Salary range: TBD
Please forward a cover letter, current resume and three (3) reference letters to Email: and/ or fax to 587-524-0181.
Anne Bird
3 rd Floor 17304-105 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5S 1G4
*This employment competition closing date November 20, 2020, only those candidates who fit the criteria will be contacted.