Reporting to Chief and Council, the Band Manager will oversee all operations of the Band. The Manager will ensure that all operations are conducted in a respectful and responsible way, ensuring that all decisions and actions meet relevant legislation, policies, and procedures. He or she will be responsible for all financial transactions, programs, and services created and implemented by the Band Council and staff.

The Band Manager is responsible for managing all staff and the delivery of all programs that the Sunchild First Nation hires and undertakes. The Band Manager will act as a liaison between other government agencies and departments, private business, and other individuals, groups, or agencies operating or wishing to operate within the community or territory.

The Band Manager must provide records and documents to the relevant governments and agencies as needed. He or she must also ensure that all business and operations are conducted in a responsible, confidential, and ethical way.


Manage all operations of the Sunchild First Nation:

  • Ensure all operations are conducted within relevant legislations, policies, and procedures.
  • Coordinate development and implementation of policies and procedures.
  • Supervise equipment and facility use maintenance.
  • Ensure record-keeping and filing systems are established and maintained.
  • Ensure all contracts and agreements are adhered to.
Manage financial operations:
  • Be familiar with all budgets and funding requirements.
  • Be familiar with all government legislation, policies, and procedures.
  • Be familiar with Band financial policies, procedures, and maintenance.
  • Coordinate the preparation of all program budgets.
  • Be familiar with generally accepted accounting principles.
  • Manage all financial operations including AP, AR, and payroll.
  • Ensure all monthly financial statements and reports are completed.
  • Review all monthly financial statements and audits.
  • Establish and ensure that internal financial controls are in place.
Manage and supervise Band staff:

  • Recruit and hire band staff.
  • Evaluate the performance of Band staff.
  • Coordinate training an development.
  • Initiate corrective action when necessary.
Manage the delivery of Band programs and services:

  • Oversee program delivery for all departments.
  • Develop proposals for program funding.
  • Ensure programs funds are expended appropriately.
  • Establish and maintain program policies, procedures, and standards.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of programs and program delivery.
Band Council support and administration:

  • Administer Band elections.
  • Coordinate operations in the Band Office, Health Centre, and Education Building.
  • Attend all Band Council meetings.
  • Prepare agenda information and resources for Band Council meetings and Band Council members.
  • Maintain minutes of Band Council meetings.
  • Represent the Band at local, regional, and national meetings including Band meetings when required.
  • Work with Council to help develop strategic plan.

Applicants should possess the following education, experience, and skills:
  • Strong academic credentials such as a degree in business, finance, or management
  • Extensive senior management experience
  • Team leadership and management skills
  • Strategic planning, problem-solving, and decision-making skills
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to prepare reports, applications, and motions
  • Effective public relations and public speaking skills
  • Stress management and time management skills
  • Ability to maintain strict confidentiality in performing the duties of the Band Manager
  • Ability to maintain standards of conduct and be respectful, consistent, and fair
  • Cultural awareness and sensitivity 
  • Dedication to the position and community

Please send a cover letter, resumé, and three references no later than March 15, 2018, to:

Sunchild First Nation
Attention: Chief and Council
P.O. Box 747
Rocky Mountain House, AB  T4T 1A5


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