As a proud member of Alexander First Nation Chief George Arcand Jr. is an innovative leader who works tirelessly to ensure the very best for his Nation. Chief Arcand has over 30 years of experience working with First Nation communities and organizations. He has dedicated his professional career to safeguarding Treaty rights and promoting the economic and social prosperity of First Nations people.
Chief Arcand previously served as the Community Development Officer and Tribal Administrator for the Alexander First Nation. He also served as the Indian and Northern Affairs Regional Director General in Alberta. His time with the federal government afforded him a unique understanding of Crown-First Nation relations.
Following his tenure as Regional Director General, Chief Arcand served as CEO of Fort Mackay First Nation. After several years of working outside of his Nation, Chief Arcand was determined to utilize the skills and experience that he gained to help his Nation build toward a prosperous future. In the fall of 2020, Chief Arcand was elected Chief of Alexander First Nation.
In his new role as Grand Chief of the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations, he endeavours to strengthen the unified voice of Treaty Six Nations in those areas that are of greatest concern including health, education, economics, and Treaty protection.
Chief George Arcand Jr.
Box 3419, Morinville, AB T8R 1S3
Phone: 780-939-5887
Fax: 780-939-6166
Chief Tony Alexis is the youngest son of Dan and Evelyn Alexis. He was born and raised on the Alexis Indian Reserve #133. He is a fifth-generation leader and descendant to Mitaushin Aranazhi, who was baptised as ‘Alexis Akanas’ and his Treaty Government name was Chief Alexis, who signed the Adhesion of Treaty No. 6, for his People.
Chief Tony was first elected into Council at the age of 25 and was elected Chief of Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation in 2013 at the age of 42. He has served 3 terms consecutively from 2013 (Bi-election), to 2014 and 2018 respectively. Chief Tony enjoys serving his people as a community leader and national/international political representative. His aspirations include: protecting the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation’s Inherent and Treaty Rights, maintaining his community’s culture, language, history, and customs, working with the elders and staff to revive tribal laws, building businesses, generating capital, improving education services, advancing wellness and supporting equity, Justice and the development of future generations.
Some of Chief Tony's previous leadership roles outside his community included:
Chief Tony is an internationally accomplished public speaker who is able to connect with people from all walks of life. He earned an Alberta Aboriginal Leadership Award, and an Aboriginal Role Models of Alberta Award and is recognized for his work with the Government of Canada, Government of Alberta and Industry on Cross Cultural Relations.
Chief Tony believes the keys to success are through consistent focus, faith in the Creator and hard work.
Chief Tony Alexis
Box 7, Glenevis, AB T0E 0X0
Phone: 780-967-2225
Fax: 780-967-5484
Chief Doug Beaverbones
Box 1570, Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1B2
Phone: 403-989-3943
Fax: 403-989-3795
Chief Jonathan Frencheater
Box 747, Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1A5
Phone: 403-989-3740
Fax: 403-989-2533