Call For Presenters 

Yellowhead Tribal Council Health Program

Mental Wellness Conference
October 3 – 5, 2022
"Working Towards Healing Our Future”.

Yellowhead Tribal Council (YTC)  Mental Health Program is seeking presenters for our upcoming Mental Wellness Conference.  

Conference  themes:  

  • Impact of  Colonialism and Residential Schools
  • Recovery from Addictions – Panel Presentation
  • Healing from Trauma & Grief
  • Land Based Healing
  • Medicine Wheel Teachings
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Self-Care

Submission Instructions:

Submit a one to two-page presentation paper on one of the above themes, no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, September 2, 2022. Send your submissions in confidence to:

Barbara Paul
Mental Wellness Coordinator
(587) 524-0180


Please include in your submission the following information:

  1. Name and Contact Information
  2. Short Bio (100 words or less)
  3. The theme you will be presenting on
  4. Topic Title and description of your presentation (please include your learning objectives and how you will meet these objectives)
  5. Previous speaking references


Panel Discussion: If you are applying to participate in our Panel Discussion on Recovery, and you are interested in sharing your recovery journey, please submit a one-page presentation abstract to YTC Health. Your presentation submissions should include; Type of Addiction, the Intervention, type of treatment, support network, services received (traditional and/or western), gaps in services, challenges, and how you maintain sobriety.  

PLEASE NOTE:  The conference will be attended by Program Managers, Mental Wellness Workers, Addictions Counsellors, Elders and Leaders from the YTC member nations.

Mental Wellness 2022