Limited Quantities! First Come – First Served: K-Days Ride-All-Day Passes for YTC First Nation Children and Youth
Proudly sponsored by YTC’s Child and Family Services (CFS), Urban Program and Post Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP).
Criteria: Ride-All-Day Passes for On Reserve Members
- Must be a member currently residing ON Reserve
- Member of YTC First Nation (Alexander First Nation, Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, O’Chiese First Nation or Sunchild First Nation)
- Pass(es) available to children and youth only (17 and under) parent/guardian will not be included in the number of tickets.
Note: Up to 4 tickets per family
Criteria: Ride-All-Day Passes for YTC Post Secondary Students
- Must be Post Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) funded student for the 21/22 Academic Year
- Member of YTC First Nation (Alexander First Nation, Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, O’Chiese First Nation or Sunchild First Nation)
- Must be Parent/Guardian to claim tickets for child(ren). Pass(es) available to children and youth only (17 and under) parent/guardian will not be included in the number of tickets
Note: Up to 4 tickets per family
- Identification must be provided to verify information
- In-person pick-up is required (no exceptions) *If you do not show up, your ticket(s) will go to the next family waiting.
- Absolutely NO third-party pick-up (this is to ensure that all tickets are going to our YTC First Nations Only)
**You will receive a confirmation code + pickup information via email**
Registration: July 20, 2022 | 8:30 AM to noon (OR while quantities last)
- Please complete a registration form for your child(ren) via Google Forms: Registration Form
- Pass(es) available to children and youth only (17 and under) parent/guardian will not be included in the number of tickets
- Registration is taking place online only - phone calls will not be accepted
Registration Form: K Days Ride-All-Day Passes for YTC First Nation Children and Youth
Disclaimer: YTC has the right to refuse service if you do not fit the criteria. Please see full details on our website. Any abuse of this incentive will have you permanently removed from future incentives. Any abuse of this incentive will have you permanently removed from future incentives.
- How will I know that I got passes? You will receive a confirmation code + pickup information via email.
- Where do I pick up my tickets? You will receive pick-up information via email. YTC will be delivering passes to the four-member First Nations.
- What if I didn't hear back from YTC about the passes? We have a limited number of passes to give away. If you do NOT receive an email by July 21, 2022, unfortunately, we do not have any more passes available.
- This service is NOT available to you if you are:
- Yellowhead Tribal Council full-time or part-time staff member
- Not from a YTC member First Nation (you MUST be from Alexander First Nation, Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, O’Chiese First Nation or Sunchild First Nation)
- Residing OFF Reserve
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at OR