Labour Market Information Status: YTDF - ISETS

The YTDF - ISETS team has been diligently collecting data across our communities to better understand the labor market dynamics. This includes identifying high-demand jobs, gauging employment interests, and documenting traditional skills and education levels.

We are pleased to present the Labour Market Information (LMI) status throughout the YTC First Nations. These infographics provide valuable insights into the current employment landscape, helping us to support job seekers and employers more effectively.

Stay informed and explore the latest trends in our labour market:

Current Skills and Employment

🔹 Education
🔹 Job Status
🔹 Most Common Training
🔹 Most Common Jobs

Future Skills and Interests

🔹 Education
🔹 Job Status

🔹 Most Common Training
🔹 Most Common Jobs
🔹 Barriers to Employment

For more detailed information, click the LMI Report links below: 

Together, we can build a stronger, more resilient workforce within the YTC nations.